Væskekromatografiske metoder | |
LC-MS | Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry |
LC-MS/MS | Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry |
LC-Q-MS | Liquid chromatography single quadrupole mass spectrometry |
LC-Orbitrap-MS | Liquid chromatography orbitrap mass spectrometry |
LC-TOF-MS | Liquid chromatography time of flight mass spectrometry |
LC-QqQ-MS | Liquid chromatography triple quadruple mass spectrometry |
LC-QTOF-MS | Liquid chromatography quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry |
LC-Q-Orbitrap-MS | Liquid chromatography quadrupole orbitrap mass spectrometry |
SFC-MS | Supercritical fluid chromatography mass spectrometry |
SFC-MS/MS | Supercritical fluid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry |
HPLC-UV | High pressure liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detector |
HPLC-FLU | High pressure liquid chromatography with fluorescence detector |
HPLC-RI | High pressure liquid chromatography with refractive index detector |
HPLC-PDA | High pressure liquid chromatography with photodiode array detector |
Andre væskekromatografiske metoder | |
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Gasskromatografiske metoder | |
GC-MS | Gas chromatography mass spectrometry |
GC-MS/MS | Gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry |
GC-FID | Gas chromatography with flame ionization detector |
GC-NPD | Gas chromatography with nitrogen phosphorous detector |
GC-ECD | Gas chromatography with electron capture detector |
Headspace GC | |
ICP-MS | Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry |
Andre gasskromatografiske metoder | |
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Immunologiske/enzymatiske/fotometriske metoder | |
CEDIA | Cloned enzyme donor immunoassay |
DRI | Diagnostic Reagents Inc immunoassay |
ECLIA | Electrochemiluminescence-immunoassay |
EIA | Enzyme immunoassay |
ELISA | Enzyme-linked immunoassay |
EMIT | Enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique |
FPIA | Fluorescence polarization immunoassay |
ISE | Ion selective electrode |
KIMS | Kinetic Interaction of Microparticles in Solution |
Kjemiluminesens | |
QMS | Quantitative Microsphere Systems |
RIA | Radioimmunoassay |
Andre immunologiske/enzymatiske/fotometriske metoder | |